“One welfare: an innovative approach to resilient livestock farming”

Contribute to the resilience of livestock systems, with a focus on "One Welfare", by implementing good practices for cattle and sheep based on animal welfare principles.

Context of the story

Increasing sustainable livestock production is a challenge for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) because of greater quality requirements, including traceability, food security, health, animal welfare, fair trade and low environmental impact. “One welfare” concept emphasizes interdependence of health, human, animal and ecosystem welfare. Argentina, Chile and Colombia are facing an adverse climate scenario to which both intensive and extensive livestock systems are vulnerable; thus the importance of increasing resilience under a "One Welfare" framework.

Strengthening the co-participatory capacity of livestock-raising communities to implement the GLP-AW and disseminate the results of their adoption.

The implemented initiative

The aim of this proposal is to contribute with livestock system resilience, focusing on “One Welfare” implemented by good livestock practices (GLP-AW) for cattle and sheep. Our specific objectives are: i) To strengthen the collaborative capacity of livestock communities in six ecoregions in Argentina, Chile and Colombia; ii) To implement BPGs- BA tools in nutrition, health, environment and human- animal interaction domains in demonstrative and experimental units (DEU) by co- innovation; iii) To disseminate and to communicate results to facilitate its adoption and reinforce knowledge networks and alliances among local and international agencies.

To develop and to validate through a co- innovation regional platform that values technology of process implemented together with farmers to increase production rates and to improve livestock system resilience in each country.

The technological solution

The co-innovative regional platform offers an Innovation Technology (IT) package associated with Good Livestock Practices based in Animal Welfare (GLPs- AW). These include training courses and workshops, audiovisual and written communication issues validated by a transdisciplinary group for cattle and sheep production which need to implement sustainable practices. Beneficiaries will be associated organizations, farmers organizations, colleagues, technical consultants and other members of the cattle and sheep sector. Distribution and communication channels will include partner’s websites, FONTAGRO and social networks. Demonstrative and Experimental Units (DEU) will be direct contacts and distribution points and will act as replicators. Key activities will contain co- partnership workshops to validate Innovation Technology associated with Good Livestock Practices based in Animal Welfare (GLPs- AW) DEU implementation and training change agents.

"There will be increasing demand from consumers for the avoidance of adverse effects on human welfare, animal welfare, the environment, fair trade and maintaining the viability of human communities".
Donald M. Broom, 2010

Type of project


In the first year, it is expected to establish a baseline of Innovation Technologies (IT) knowledge associated with Good Livestock Practices based on Animal Welfare (GLP- AW) in each region and country. At the end of the project, at least 100 farmers in Argentina, Chile and Colombia are expected to implement GLP-AW ITs, from infrastructure adaptation, implementation of sanitary plans and animal welfare assessment for decision making. At the end of the project, farmers of the Demonstrative and Experimental Units (DEUs) will be applying the GLP-AW TIs, reducing mortality and morbidity losses, production costs, improving product quality, mitigating climate change and increasing the resilience of their farms. In addition, 700 families will be trained in GLP-AW ITs, via close DEUs as a reference. It is estimated that approximatedly 350,000 people dedicated to livestock production will be informed about One Welfare concept.

Co-innovative regional platform
Co-innovative regional platform
Dissemination workshops and training courses
Dissemination workshops and training courses
Demonstrative and Experimental Units (DEUs) will be applying the GLP-AW
Demonstrative and Experimental Units (DEUs) will be applying the GLP-AW
Intervened ecoregions
Intervened ecoregions
Documents with prioritized well-being tools and indicators
Documents with prioritized well-being tools and indicators
Good Livestock Practices based on Animal Welfare (GLP- AW)
Good Livestock Practices based on Animal Welfare (GLP- AW)
Direct and indirect beneficiaries
Direct and indirect beneficiaries
Teams of implementing advisors
Teams of implementing advisors

Participating Organizations

Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA) - Argentina
UACH - Chile
Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA) - Colombia
Fundación ArgenINTA (ARGENINTA) - Argentina
Programa Cambio Rural  (P.C.R.) - Argentina
Grupo Pampa Orgánica (GPO-MAPO) - Argentina
Grupo de Productores del Sur Nequino (PSN ) - Argentina
Corporación Interestadual Pulmari  (CIP) - Argentina
Organización Nehuenco Chaiful  (ONCh) - Argentina
Servicio Nacional de Sanidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria (SENASA) - Argentina
Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias de la Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (FCV-UNNE) - Argentina
Centro de Cs. Veterinarias de la Universidad Mamónides (CCV-UMai) - Argentina
ProAgro Consultores (ProAgro) - Chile
Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA) - Chile
Federación Colombiana de Ganaderos (FEDEGAN) - Colombia
Fundación Universitaria Agraria de Colombia  (UNIAGRARIA) - Colombia
Centro Colaborador de la Organización Mundial de Sanidad Animal (CC-OMSA) - Chile
One Welfare CIC (One Welfare CIC) - Reino Unido

Main donors

E-mail: fontagro@fontagro.org