Multipurpose Silvopastoral Systems as a sustainable strategy for the reconversion of family livestock in Peru and Colombia

A strategy to improve the productive systems of small livestock farmers in Colombia and Peru consisting of the establishment of Multipurpose Silvopastoral Systems (MPSS), training and Regional Innovation Platforms.

Context of the story

In the Colombian low tropics and the Peruvian Amazon there are small livestock families that dedicate themselves to extensive livestock farming as their main economic activity. This sector is considered to have low economic, environmental and social sustainability due to soil degradation processes, deforestation of forests for the establishment of crops and pastures and low zootechnical indices. Therefore, the need arises to apply strategies for the inclusion of native and introduced woody species in livestock systems, since their importance in feeding, comfort and ecosystem benefits that improve productivity indices is recognized.

Silvopastoral systems (SPS) have become a form of livestock production with a sustainability approach, since its implementation contributes with social, economic and environmental benefits.

The implemented initiative

The project presents a sustainable alternative to improve family livestock farming through the implementation of Multipurpose Silvopastoral Systems (SSPM) in Peru and Colombia. It is expected to contribute to the compatibility between bovine production and adaptation to climate variability through the integration of native woody species that provide various functions and uses in agroecosystems, the training of livestock farmers for the dissemination of results through the platform regional. The aim is to promote innovation and the generation of new knowledge about SSPMs, with the use of native species that improve adaptation and mitigation of climate change.

Successful MPSS establishment must be accompanied by a training and technology dissemination strategy that links producers in all stages of the process.

The technological solution

Multipurpose Silvopastoral Systems (MPSS) integrate three plant components (grasses, shrubs and trees) distributed across different strata within the livestock system. The planting density of woody species is between 1,000 and 2,000 plants per hectare, which adjusts to the economic needs of the farmer, reduces establishment and management costs, and facilitates the adoption and appropriation of the technology. Likewise, the process is accompanied by training strategies and publications on key aspects for the replication of the MPSS and the generation of a network of farms with silvopastoral systems for the linking of producers, technicians, academics, unions, and regional institutions.

"MPSS seek to make livestock activity more sustainable, increase productivity per unit area, reduce the impact on areas unsuitable for such activities, and provide a better environment for animal production."
Project technical team

Participating countries

Type of project


During phases 1 and 2, 41 livestock families were selected, of which 21 are in the departments of Tolima and Caquetá in Colombia and 20 in the regions of Lamas (Ucayali) and San Martín in Peru.

The establishment of 31 SSPM modules was achieved, of which 21 are located in Colombia and 10 in Peru, and represent 31.4 hectares intervened.

The productive monitoring of farms with SSPM showed that dual-purpose cows increased daily milk production per animal by 21.1%, and that the forage supply increased between 16.3% and 22.7% per hectare. compared to pasture-only paddocks.

Through participatory workshops with livestock producers, technical assistants and researchers, SSPs, pasture fertilization strategies in the tropics and the impact of sustainable livestock farming in the low tropics and Amazonia in Colombia and Peru were designed and established.

Relevant data

Farming family
Farming family
Established silvopastoral modules
Established silvopastoral modules
People trained in SSP and sustainable livestock
People trained in SSP and sustainable livestock
Area established in SSPM
Area established in SSPM
Training workshops
Training workshops
In forage supply per hectare
In forage supply per hectare
Milk increase per animal per day
Milk increase per animal per day
Beneficiary livestock women
Beneficiary livestock women

Participating Organizations

Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM) - Perú
Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA) - Colombia
Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria  (INIA) - Perú
Alianza Internacional Bioversity - CIAT (Alianza Internacional Bioversity - CIAT) - Colombia
Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA) - Colombia
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM) - Perú

Main donors
