Mango: A Fruit with Multiple Business Opportunities

The project aims to enhance the competitiveness of mango producers in Colombia and Perú through the integral use of the fruit, developing new products from waste, with a focus on sustainability and value-added generation

Context of the story

The project arises from the challenge of sustainably utilizing mango waste, a highly produced tropical fruit that generates large amounts of by-products such as peels and seeds. These wastes represent an economic loss and an environmental issue due to their decomposition, which can become a breeding ground for fruit flies, a significant sanitary threat. Additionally, mango production faces competitiveness limitations in Colombia and Peru, motivating the development of innovative products from this waste, improving producers' income, and promoting sustainability

Strengthening the Competitiveness of Mango Producers in Colombia and Peru through the Integral Use of the Fruit and the Development of New Products

The implemented initiative

The project aims to enhance the competitiveness of mango producers in Colombia and Peru by leveraging the entire fruit, using its by-products (peel and seed) to develop innovative products. It focuses on adding value through research on the compounds present in the peel and seed, seeking their application in new products for potential use in both the food and non-food industries. The project will provide technical, economic, environmental, and life cycle feasibility for 4 products developed at an artisanal level, with protocols to be shared with producers as production alternatives to generate new markets, in pursuit of the competitiveness and sustainability of this important agro-chain.

ntegral Utilization of Mango to Increase the Competitiveness of Producers in Colombia and Peru through the Development of Innovative and Sustainable Products from Waste

The technological solution

The project will develop a technological solution based on the integral use of mango by utilizing agrochain residues that cannot be exported, such as peels and seeds, to generate innovative products. This will be achieved through the development of the following components: (I) Enhancement of the use of mango peel by studying its chemical composition and bioactive compounds in Colombia and Peru. (II) Design of innovative products from mango pulp and seed to expand the producers' target market. (III) Conducting a technical, economic, and environmental feasibility study for the integral use of the mango fruit. (IV) Transferring the knowledge developed to producers, entrepreneurs, and the academic community.

"Technology has the potential to significantly transform agriculture and increase productivity, as long as it is aligned with local needs and contexts."
Jeffrey Sachs

Participating countries

Type of project


-Analysis of the chemical composition and bioactive compounds present in mango peel in both countries. This will include the collection of mango peel samples from different regions and varieties, with the aim of applying the findings in the cosmetics industry.
-Research and development of new products that fully utilize the nutritional and functional properties of mango pulp and seed, to offer healthy and attractive options to consumers.
Study of technical, economic, and environmental feasibility for the comprehensive use of mango fruit.
-Training and outreach activities directed at various stakeholders. Meetings and workshops for producers and entrepreneurs to provide practical and useful information to improve their production processes and develop new products.

Relevant data

Mango Production and Export: Colombia and Peru

Human talent development, undergraduate and master's theses.
Human talent development, undergraduate and master's theses.
Functional characterization of mango peel and seed, two varieties per country
Functional characterization of mango peel and seed, two varieties per country
Technical-economic feasibility for the production of innovative products (2 per country)
Technical-economic feasibility for the production of innovative products (2 per country)
Three outreach workshops will be conducted per country.
Three outreach workshops will be conducted per country.
1,000 beneficiaries per country
1,000 beneficiaries per country
Design of  innovative products
Design of innovative products

Colombia and Peru are key mango exporters. In 2023, Colombia's exports reached US$9.4M, led by the sugar mango, while Peru exported 239,000 tons, primarily to the U.S. and Europe.

Development of project components

Participating Organizations

Universidad de Tolima (UT) - Colombia
Universidad Nacional de Trujillo  (UNT) - Perú
Asociación para la ciencia e innovación agraria de la red norte – AGRORED NORTE (AGRORED NORTE) - Perú

Main donors
