Safe fruits for a healthy and secure life

The application of multifunctional metabolites produced by microorganisms and natural compounds, both GRAS (generally safe), will ensure that consumers have access safe and high-quality foods.

Context of the story

Following harvest, fruits begin to lose their properties due to mechanical damage, high respiration and transpiration rates, and bacterial and fungal infection. By reducing the microbial load, postharvest treatments preserve the nutritional quality of the fruit. The research team has identified that, in Ecuador, Colombia, and Chile, fruits of commercial interest have high levels of contamination by pathogenic bacteria and fungi, which decreases their quality and means access to international markets is very limited. Sustainable and natural techniques need to be developed to maintain the quality and safety of the fruit in postharvest.

Bio-protectors for postharvest preservation

The implemented initiative

Improve the safety and nutritional quality of small fruits postharvest through the formulation and application of Multifunctional Bio-protectors (MBs). Three prototypes of MBs with antimicrobial-antifungal-antioxidant capacity will be selected in vitro. The aim is to increase safety by up to 50% and determine the effect on the functional properties of fruits after the use of MBs. A technical-economic feasibility study of the generated MBs will be carried out. Finally, knowledge management, transfer and communication of the results obtained will be carried out.

Safe fruits for our market

The technological solution

Multifunctional Bio-protectors (MBs) will become a commercial product to improve the food safety of postharvest fruits through natural conservation from farms to the consumer, and it will be a solution to mitigate potential losses due to pathogen contamination and reduce the risk of diseases transmitted by the consumption of contaminated food.

Working to ensure the effective elimination or inactivation of pathogenic microorganisms that contamine the aliments
UTN Project Leader

Participating countries

Type of project


Prototypes of Multifunctional Bio-protectors for postharvest conservation

Participating Organizations

Universidad Técnica del Norte (UTN) - Ecuador
Universidad de Antioquia (UdeA) - Colombia
Universidad de Talca (UTALCA) - Chile

Main donors
