Sustainable livestock farming in the Amazon of Peru and Ecuador

Sustainable intensification of tropical livestock farming, with greater productivity and reduced environmental impact, through the use of available agro-industrial by-products. The initiative generates synergy between producers and institutions.

Context of the story

The Amazon has become one of the main areas of agricultural expansion. Livestock farming focused on both milk and meat production is based on extensive grazing systems with little or no supplementation. This strategy has a major limitation in the dry season when feed is scarce. Available foods contain high levels of fiber and low protein content. Under these circumstances, agro-industrial by-products from the area are an attractive supplementation option for livestock, resulting in increased milk yield and weight gain.

Sustainability of livestock farming systems

The implemented initiative

The project aims to sustainably intensify dual-purpose livestock farming in the Peruvian Amazon by implementing supplementation with agro-industrial by-products. The process starts with the characterization of livestock production systems and the establishment of a baseline to assess current conditions. Subsequently, the impact of supplementation on bovine productivity and the reduction of methane emissions in vitro will be analyzed. This information is processed through simulation models, allowing for the development of practical recommendations adapted to local production systems and improved decision-making.

Supplementation with agro-industrial by-products

The technological solution

Currently, agro-industrial by-products are not widely used and have only nominal economic value. However, they can generate significant added value if used for livestock feed with benefits not only for producers but also the environment. This proposal of sustainable intensification is eco-friendly and contributes to improving the well-being of families dedicated to livestock farming through a circular economy approach. This approach incorporates the use of agro-industrial and crop waste as supplements to pasture, which improves the efficiency of base resource (pasture) use, increases livestock system productivity, and reduces greenhouse gas emissions and pollution. In addition, this type of system can contribute to decreasing pressure on forest resources and improving soil and water resource use.

If the countryside grows, the country advances.

Participating countries

Type of project


The expected results of this project are:

• Baseline of dual-purpose livestock systems prevalent in the Amazon.
• Inventory on the availability of agro-industrial by-products with potential use in cattle feed.
• Bromatological characteristics of available agro-industrial by-products
• Effect of supplementing cattle with agro-industrial waste on their productive performance (milk and meat).
• Prediction of enteric methane emissions from the inclusion of by-products.
• Life cycle analysis of dual-purpose livestock systems
• Development of a virtual innovation platform on supplementing cattle with agro-industrial by-products.

Dual-purpose cattle systems
Dual-purpose cattle systems
Agro-industrial by-products
Agro-industrial by-products
Breeds of cattle
Breeds of cattle
Interviews with farmers
Interviews with farmers
Workshops with farmers
Workshops with farmers
Feeding costs
Feeding costs
Crop utilization
Crop utilization
Daily weight gain
Daily weight gain

Sustainable livestock farming aims to make use of regional resources while minimizing its environmental impact and, ideally, reducing it to zero.

Sustainable livestock farming in the Amazon of Peru and Ecuador

Sustainable livestock farming in the Amazon of Peru and Ecuador

Participating Organizations

Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM) - Perú
Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIAP) - Ecuador
Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE) - Costa Rica
AgResearch - Nueva Zelanda (AgResearch) - Nueva Zelanda
Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIAP) - Ecuador
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM) - Perú

Main donors

New Zealand Government  - Nueva Zelanda
Global Research Alliance (GRA) - Nueva Zelanda