Implementación del Plan de Gestión de Conocimiento y Comunicación 2020-2025 de FONTAGRO

FONTAGRO, in its commitment to promoting sustainable development and innovation in agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean

Context of the story

Knowledge and communication management (KCM) at FONTAGRO is an integral part of its 2020-2025 Medium-Term Plan, with the objective of disseminating knowledge to all its potential users. This strategy was developed at the request of FONTAGRO's Board of Directors to continue the actions of the 2020-2025 KCM Action Plan. The plan emerged after reviewing practices of similar organizations and conducting seminars with experts and representatives from FONTAGRO member countries.

FONTAGRO is a catalyst of knowledge that promotes networks and ecosystems of innovation and development in the field of agricultural, agri-food, and rural research and innovation

The implemented initiative

FONTAGRO, through its Technical Administrative Secretariat (STA), is implementing a technical cooperation initiative aimed at increasing FONTAGRO's visibility as a cooperation mechanism in science, technology, and innovation. The objectives include implementing the 2020-2025 KCM Plan, organizing an event to promote alliances as part of its 25th-anniversary celebration, strengthening capacities to fulfill its mission, and conducting a contest of successful innovation cases, driving scientific and technological activity in LAC and the world.

A continuous effort to drive innovation and development in the region

The technological solution

FONTAGRO has implemented a technology-driven solution focused on capacity building through a comprehensive methodology of specialized workshops and courses. These programs are designed to enhance skills in writing and designing competitive research projects. The methodology employed is based on a practical, participatory, and easily accessible approach, utilizing virtual courses and webinars.

“Science is much more than a body of knowledge. It is a way of thinking”
Carl Sagan, 1996

Participating countries

Type of project


FONTAGRO celebrated its 25th anniversary by presenting the significant results achieved by this mechanism since its inception. FONTAGRO has implemented workshops and courses to enhance skills in designing competitive research projects, with notable impact on participation and attendee evaluations. Additionally, the IV Contest of Successful Cases of Innovations in Family Farming 2023-2024 was held, highlighting bioeconomy projects in Colombia, Paraguay, and Venezuela, focused on sustainability and resilience. Currently, FONTAGRO has a schedule of webinars to disseminate results and relevant information for agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Relevant data

FONTAGRO KCM: Dissemination and technical cooperation to innovate and enhance the agri-food and bioeconomy sectors in LATAM and the Caribbean

Saccessful cases
Saccessful cases
Trained people
Trained people
Landing page
Landing page

FONTAGRO promueve la gestión del conocimiento y comunicación para impulsar la innovación agrícola en América Latina y el Caribe, fortaleciendo capacidades y promoviendo la sostenibilidad en la región.

FONTAGRO drives innovation and the dissemination of science and technology

Participating Organizations


Main donors
