Integrated strategies for climate change adaptation in livestock family farming

Integrated strategies for climate change adaptation in livestock production systems based on grassland management and with lower GHG emissions.

Context of the story

The worldwide increase in protein demand and the impact of climate change on livestock systems make it necessary to discover new technologies and innovations that allow for a sustainable improvement in productivity while reducing GHG emissions.

Forage species adaptable to climate change

The implemented initiative

The performance, quality and persistence of the new species and varieties implemented in all the countries participating in the project were evaluated. Evaluation trials of drought-tolerant fodder varieties were established (Chile); forage and tuna fodder (Bolivia); soy forage adapted to direct grazing in livestock conditions (Costa Rica); and growth promotion of Lotus (Argentina). In turn, the GHG emissions associated with fertilization strategies were quantified.

Lower GHG due to forage species adaptable to climate change

The technological solution

The use of forage species adaptable to climate change (drought or flood) proved to generate productive and economic benefits together with reduced GHG emission intensity.

The project demonstrated the productive and economic benefit of the inclusion of forages adapted to the conditions of climate change.


In the experimental trials carried out, the tested forage species showed higher yields and lower intensity of GHG emissions per kg of animal live weight during critical times. In Argentina, for example, an increase in cumulative annual production of 9% of Dry Digestible Matter and 58% of Crude Protein was observed in comparison to unmanaged natural grasslands.

Relevant data

Results by country

People trained (25% women)
People trained (25% women)
Field experiments
Field experiments
Standard operation procedures
Standard operation procedures

Adaptable forages

Results obtained after implementing the Solution

Participating Organizations

Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA) - Chile
Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA) - Argentina
Fundación para la Promoción e Investigación de Productos Andinos (PROINPA) - Bolivia
CICA - UCR - Costa Rica
Corporación Ganadera (CORFOGA) - Costa Rica

Main donors

GEF Global Environment Facility