Greater agricultural production with lower nitrous oxide emission
Editing to Improve Agricultural Sustainability
Context of the story
• Inoculant Market = USD 9 billion/year
• Consolidated and growing market (CAGR=10.5%)
• 80% are rhizobia for soybeans (Malba 2023)
• Urea (USD 150/ha) vs Rizobios (USD 15/ha)
• No developments in the last three decades
• Improvement gap between crops vs. inoculants
Improving the genetics of traditional inoculants
The implemented initiative
With support from FONTAGRO and their own resources, INTA, UNSAM, CONICET, IIBCE, UNC, UNFRO, CSIC, and EMBRAPA have started promoting technological innovations in the field of inoculants
Bacterial genetic improvement
The technological solution
• Improvement of current inoculants in use (more scaling)
• Continuous improvement: stacked mutations (generation 1.0, 2.0, etc.)
• Selection of spontaneous and CRISPR/Cas9-edited mutants (non-GMO)
• Acceptance of gene editing as non-GMO (countries = 70% of global population)